Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Parts Update for R16 Overhaul:

New Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump

Old Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump

I bought a new Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump to replace the old one. I bought the same brand, but it's a bit different. The cam levers have different patterns and the fuel inlet and outlet locations are also different. The diaphragm chamber diameter are the same.

The one I bought was for a Nissan Cedric 200C engine. I believe the 200C is an H20 variant. I also compared pictures from Datsun Roadster vendors and the replacement Kyosan Denki fuel pumps have a similar cam lever pattern.

New Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump

Old Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump

I got the fuel pump unit from Topmost Auto Supply along Aurora Blvd. right across Toyota Cubao. Cost was P1,800 with the spacer and gaskets included. I hope it works!

New Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump

Old Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump


Sunday, February 24, 2008

R16 Overhaul Update: New Parts

Bought Nissan H20 "dished" pistons thinking that it would be alright to use in the R16 engine. The R16 and H20 piston bore is the same at 87 mm, but the dished layout used on the H20 will decrease the compression ratio of the engine to 8:1, which will hurt performance. The stock R16 pistons have a 9:1 ratio so I decided to stick with the old pistons and just re-sleeve the block to bring back the compression.

R16 "domed" piston (above) & H20 "dished" piston (below)

I'll be using the H20 liners (above) to re-sleeve the R16 block and keep the standard compression ratio of 9:1. I hope they work out just fine, since I figured that the bore of both engines are the same. Keeping my fingers crossed!

I also had a hard time looking for the R16's 3 main bearings. Unfortunately, the H20 main bearings cannot be used with the 3 main bearing R16. It can only be used to R16's that are the 5 main bearing type. Hopefully, the machine would be able to refurbish or manufacture a set. Keeping my fingers crossed again!

H20 Piston Rings - I hope they work with the R16 "domed" pistons!

Piston Pin Bushings for the H20

Bought H20 Con Rod Bearings which are 0.25mm oversize. Based from forum readings ( these can be used with the R16 Con Rods. The machine shop honed the crankshaft to smoothen out the streaks caused by wear thus 0.25mm is needed to compensate for the smaller crankshaft diameter for the Con Rods.

Timing Chain Replacement

H20 Full Gasket Set - Based from the 311s' forum, this should be ok to use on the R16 as the gasket patterns and oils seals are the same.

New Old Stock Distributor Cap Replacement - Transparent! This should be interesting!

Damage report on the parts:

1. H20 Cylinder Liners = P3,300
2. H20 Piston Rings = P1,800
3. H20 Complete Gasket Set = P2,100
4. Timing Chain Replacement = P380
5. H20 Con Rod Bearings = P850
6. Piston Pin Bushings = P450
7. NGK BP6ES x 4 = P260
8. Daichi Distributor Cap = P300
9. Oil Filter x 2 = P110
10. Kyosan Denki Fuel Pump = P1,800
11. Auto Ace Spark Plug Cables = P350

Total Damages (not including overhaul and machining cost!) = P11,700 (Ouch! - still looking for new main bearings)


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Restoration Update: R16 Engine Overhaul

I left the Fairlady last Monday at R and R for the engine overhaul. Today, I went back to the shop to get the parts that need to be replaced. It's a long shopping list! Here it is:
  1. R16 Domed Pistons - 4 pieces
  2. R16 Piston Ring Set - 4 sets
  3. R16 Gasket Set
  4. Main Crankshaft Bearing Set
  5. Timing Chain
  6. Con Rod Bearings - 4 pieces
  7. Piston Pin Bushings - 4 pieces
  8. Timing Cover Oil Seal
  9. Rear Rope Seal
  10. Oil Filter

Fortunately, I was able to find an auto supply shop, Topmost (across Toyota Cubao), that was able to find the hard to find parts! Hopefully, if everything goes according to plan, I'll be able to get the new and original parts by tomorrow. The sad thing is that all in all it'll cost P10,130 for the new parts! Well, at least it's still cheaper than ordering from the United States...about P22,000 cheaper! Still keeping my fingers crossed!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mikuni Twin-side Carburetor Project

Finally, I was able to bring home Project Time Machine with the newly installed Mikuni 40mm PHH Type T Twin-side carburetors! The stainless steel intake manifold and 4-1 headers are awesome! The engine has turned into a beast! I was grinning all the way home as I drove the Fairlady...that was really something. The sad part is that I have to overhaul the engine. The reason being the 3 and 4 cylinders have low compression (only 60 psi each). Compression tests and valve adjustments for intake and exhaust show that the piston rings are probably the culprit.

But even thought the R16 engine is just running on two cylinders (compression of about 130 psi each), the acceleration is still phenomenal especially with the deafening intake roar at 5,000 rpm speeding through traffic at 100 kph! It's really a special experience!

I might start on the overhaul tomorrow. I'll be leaving the car at R and R auto shop with, Rene, the shop's manager. Estimated labor cost for the overhaul is pegged at P8,000 plus machine shop cost of another P8,000. As for parts, I'll be the one buying to get the cheapest price possible. I do hope that parts are still available! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

Even now, the grin on my face just won't go away. I can't wait to take the Fairlady out for a spin again! Man, what a drive that was!
