Oil Filter Dilemma
The two pictures above shows the new oil filter element I bought from an unknown auto supply shop near the house (I seriously thought I was saving some money, since I didn't have to go to the auto supply shop I usually go to, which was out of the way). The seller said that this element was inter-changeable with the old one so I bought the darn thing. Both old and new oil filter elements are made by Isuzu, but the new one is different. The metal strainer on the new one has much smaller holes when compared to the old one. I noticed this even before I had the new element installed and duly approached the mechanic if this was going to be a problem. Unfortunately, he thought it was just fine to use this kind of element. So I went with his advise, since I'm just a frustrated mechanic...he being the professional.The other day I decided to have the engine oil changed for the Fairlady's regular maintenance schedule (every six months). I encountered some problems with regards to finding the correct oil filter element. The two pictures above shows the used oil filter element from the R16 engine. As you can see, the metal strainer has moderately sized holes...this will come into play when the engine suddenly makes weird noises right after the change oil maintenance.
The change oil maintenance was finished and as I was going home, I noticed a tapping sound from the engine. I inspected it and after zip locking some loose metal tubes, the weird tapping sound was still present...sheeesh! My first worry was that it was the valves not getting enough oil for lubrication. So the next day I headed back to the auto shop and had the noise checked out. The valve cover was removed and my worst fear was realized. Oil wasn't reaching the valves and rocker arms...man! Luckily the engine didn't seize on me!
So I went to the reliable auto shop to get the CORRECT oil filter element (Isuzu C-190). Problem solved! Oil was getting to the valves as it should be and finally, that weird clanking noise was gone...but I'll keep an "ear" out just in case it returns. I even bought another one for spare and reference, but the "reliable" auto supply store has a lot in stock at the moment...hopefully for a long long time.
As far as the engine oil is concerned, the Castrol Magnatec (API-SM) 10W-40 (costs around P980) is good...so far no valve noise. I thought the 10w-40 oil was going to be too thin for the engine and valves, but so far so good. No oil smoke either...no smoke at all from the engine. I've been using Shell's V-Power fuel for a few days and I must say that it's got some more kick than Shell's discontinued Velocity fuel...better engine response (not sure if it's psychological though).
I also had the transmission and differential oil replaced with Mobil Multigrade 80W-90 gear oil. The old gear oil I used was Mobil HD90. The newer and better multigrade gear oil decreased the differential noise to as much as nill (based from my observation). And gear change is much smoother. I think the thinner 80W-90 oil offers better splash lubrication on the transmission and differential gears, thus better long-term protection. Price per liter is at P150.00 (bought four liters), which was indeed a bargain!
The lesson of the day: "Always buy at your RELIABLE auto supply store even if it's out of the way!"